Differences Between Aggressive Driving and Road Rage

Differences Between Aggressive Driving and Road Rage

Differences Between Aggressive Driving and Road Rage

People often confuse road rage and aggressive driving, although these two types of driving are not the same. Both create a dangerous situation for everyone on the road, whether they are other drivers, passengers, or pedestrians.

Unfortunately, Florida is one of the leaders in aggressive driving in the United States, according to ABC News. An alarming amount of firearms are involved throughout these cases across the state. It’s vital to have a plan if an aggravated motorist approaches you.

What is Aggressive Driving?

There are particular examples of aggressive driving every motorist should stay aware of. They include the following:

  • Cutting other drivers off
  • Driving on the shoulder of the road
  • Failing to use turn signals
  • Failing to yield the right of way of other drivers or pedestrians
  • Following too closely behind another vehicle
  • Illegally passing another car
  • Running red lights or stop signs
  • Speeding or weaving in and out of heavy traffic
  • Tailgating

Most states have severe punishments for violating the rules of the road. A first offense will result in either a fine, jail time or points on your license. You may have to attend a safe driving or road rage course at your local DMV. Further infractions can cause you to lose your license or serve a year or more of jail time.

What is Road Rage?

Road rage is a type of aggressive driving that is motivated by anger. Usually, when a person has an incident of road rage, it is a reaction to something stressing them out in some area of their life. When there is more congestion on the road, it only adds to the person’s stress and can easily exacerbate the situation. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety reports that over the past seven years, road rage was the cause of 12,610 injuries and 218 murders.

Many people are guilty of aggressive driving and do it every time they get behind the wheel. These situations are not merely annoying, but they put everyone on the road at risk of getting seriously injured or even killed.

Avoid Aggressive Drivers

The best thing to do is to avoid confrontations with angry motorists. It’s tempting to answer back or to continue an argument, especially if someone purposely creates a hazardous scene on the road. Engaging with a person who’s driving recklessly, cursing, or trying to start a physical altercation often ends badly. The best thing you can do is slow down and get as far from the irritated individual as possible.

What to Do After Being Injured in a Road Rage Incident

A person who has suffered an injury as a result of a situation involving aggressive driving or road rage should immediately speak with an experienced attorney to discuss the incident. A personal injury lawyer can determine the best way to proceed with filing a claim for damages

Attorneys with the Umansky Law Firm have over 100 years of combined experience practicing personal injury law throughout Central Florida. We can secure your interests throughout the claims process so that you can receive compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, reduced work ability, reduced quality of life, and more. Receive a free consultation when you call our office or complete our contact form.

Differences Between Aggressive Driving and Road Rage