An introduction and explanation of robbery charges in Florida

An introduction and explanation of robbery charges in Florida

An introduction and explanation of robbery charges in Florida

Theft is a general term used for criminal offenses that involve taking another person’s property. Orlando, Florida, residents may be more familiar with common theft offenses such as shoplifting, burglary and robbery. Each offense can have far-reaching consequences, depending on the amount of stolen property. How the crime was committed can also define the type of theft charge. For example, burglary refers to entering someone else’s property to take someone else’s property with no intention to cause harm. Robbery, on the other hand, is a different matter.

Generally, robbery refers to the use of assault, violence or force to take someone else’s property. In robbery and other theft crimes, perpetrators intend to deprive the victim of their property. Robbery charges can become more serious if the accused person uses a weapon to commit the theft. If a weapon was used, the robbery will be categorized as a first-degree felony, which can lead to a long prison sentence upon conviction. If the accused person was carrying a firearm during robbery but did not brandish it, the robbery will also be considered a felony first-degree charge. Additionally, the accused person may face a second-degree felony charge if a weapon that was not deadly was used during robbery.

Armed robbery is a serious offense. Anyone who has been charged with such an offense should first determine the origination of the charge. If no solid evidence against the accused person can be found, the defendant may use an alibi during trial. The defense can also use other strategies such as questioning the validity of the evidence presented by the prosecution.

The goal of any criminal defense is to provide the best possible outcome for the accused. The defendant may choose from a wide-array of legal options.

Source:, “The 2014 Florida statutes,” Accessed on Jan. 8, 2015

An introduction and explanation of robbery charges in Florida