How to challenge drunk driving charges in Florida

How to challenge drunk driving charges in Florida

How to challenge drunk driving charges in Florida

Drunk driving is illegal everywhere in Florida; as a result, Central Florida residents understand that there are consequences if they get arrested for driving drunk. As DUI is a common cause of traffic accidents across the country, state lawmakers have created tough drunk driving laws to curb similar accidents. Drivers can only be pulled over for reasonable suspicion or they are exhibiting signs of drunkenness or intoxication. If no reasonable suspicion exists, however, then there is no reason for authorities to stop a motorist.

If gestured by a Florida police officer to stop your car, it is important that you remain calm and pull over at the next exit or park your vehicle on the shoulder of the road. Officers might have seen a burned out taillight or you may have violated a traffic law, which could be a sign of intoxication. You should put your hands on the steering wheel where officers can see them. During a traffic stop, officers will observe your behavior and check for signs of intoxication. Field sobriety tests may ensue and the results of these exams can be used as probable cause to arrest you for drunk driving. Officers also may order you to undergo a breath test to check your blood alcohol content.

A blood alcohol level that measures above the state’s legal limit, which is 0.08 % blood alcohol content (BAC), can lead to a drunk driving charge. If you were charged with drunk driving as a result of a field sobriety or breath test, you need to understand that this evidence can be challenged and a strong defense can be built, depending on the circumstances.

If you are dealing with a DUI charge right now, you may find some valuable information on our websitesuch as different ways to challenge a DUI case. Our experienced legal professionals have handled thousands of DUI cases and they will know how to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

How to challenge drunk driving charges in Florida